
Friday, November 6, 2015

Moi-Même-Moitié 2015 Luckypack

Hello everyone! It's been a while since my last post, things have been happening and I've been working really hard! All the hard work has slowly been paying off though :)

So on to the topic: Last October I ordered a Moitié luckypack, I saw the post on Lolita Updates go up that they just put the luckypacks on their website and of course this right when I was cooking! So I made the quick decision to bolt to my PC and let all the food burn. It was definitely worth it in the end, 10/10 would do it again. I got the 50,000 yen EGL pack.

I ordered directly, using Tenso. I got a lot of confirmation e-mails from Moitié so at first I was afraid that something had gone wrong, or that I should write them an e-mail or something, but it turned out a-ok and it was really easy to order! I stupidly chose SAL shipping from Tenso to me, which took about 3 weeks and didn't update so I was afraid that I would never see the package arrive. But it arrived and although the box was a bit beat up, the contents were all safe! So let's see what was inside:

I got 2 JSKs, the left is the Holy Angel Print JSK long version, and the right, and unnamed Jacquard JSK, the black "front" is detachable and so the dress can be worn on it's own like it is, or worn over another dress. I really adore the right JSK, but I won't be keeping the left one as I have nothing to match and I'm afraid of getting stains.

 Next we have an ivory, thick chiffon blouse and a dark grey with black bag. The blouse is very similar to one Alice and the Pirates blouse that I have, but the lace and quality is a lot nicer.

I really love the bag, I can't wait to use it! I was hoping for a nice Moitié bag, so this was a really nice surprise to get! It actually fits stuff too!

There were a lot of accessories in the pack too! I got a black x blue choker with a matching KC, but I really don't have anything in that color combination unfortunately. It also doesn't match the blue in the jacquard JSK, so I'll probably be looking to trade or sell them. In the top middle there's a rose ring in a dark blue that does match the jacquard JSK and so does the headbow in the middle! The bow is absolutely gorgeous and I'll definitely wear it with the dress. I'm really happy with it!

And on the right, is a pair of OTK socks in black, with velvet black ribbons. They're very thick and feel very sturdy. Socks are always good and I pretty much only wear plain ones, so they're perfect!

And of course, there was also some random stuff! Like a Divine Cross printed handkerchief, which I will use to dry my tears when I lose a burando auction. A choker necklace which is really pretty and I will definitely wear, with an almost matching phone charm. Close enough! I guess. Then there's also a keychain which will replace my current super ugly bright red felt Sparkasse keychain, a red lipstick that I don't trust, but according to a friend it's actually supposed to be really nice! And 2 fillings for something like a diary, which I've never seen before and what I absolutely have no use for.

A close up for the choker necklace and the almost matching phone charm.

In the end I was really happy with my pack, I pretty much got en entire wearable outfit (minus shoes and petticoat) and almost everything went really well together. I got items that I wouldn't have bought myself, but that I really like upon seeing them in real life, and once again I'm impressed by the quality of Moitié items. Next year I will definitely get a pack again (or two, or three!).

Remember the Kawaii.i competition I entered in half a year ago? I actually was one of the winners and I received a great prize! This time they have a new competition open and they even have a prize from Angelic Pretty! I would enter again if I didn't won last one because the prizes are so great!

The theme is dolly kawaii, so it's especially perfect for people that wear gothic lolita fashion! Are you going to enter?

For more information, go to the Kawaii.i Facebook page!